An appetizer . . .

Wow, can it possibly be October? It seems like the last time I checked, it was mid-August. At least, that's what my desk calendar says (and will likely say for another month, till I clear off the pile of work stacked on it).

The good news is, I have a new post coming up for you . . . but first, an appetizer. As many of you dear readers know, in addition to Eat Real and At the Baker's Bench, I write a review blog called Tuppence Reviews. If you have some time to spend while I'm putting the finishing touches on my latest Eat Real post, you might want to take a jump over to Tuppence. As a BlogHer reviewer, I recently took a crack at a few recipes featuring Ragu pasta/pizza sauces. Read the review, leave a comment according to the guidelines, and you have a chance to win a $100 Visa gift card. Seriously!

That's pretty appetizing, no? So mosey on over . . . I'll let you know when my post here is ready.



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